Parking Lot Paving Gone Wrong: Three Reasons Why You Should Give The Contractor A Second Chance
If you recently had your parking lot paved, but it is suddenly showing signs of extreme wear and tear, you may want to give the parking lot paving contractor another chance. The thought of giving the same contractor another shot may have you cringing, but the fact is, if you do not give him or her a chance to rectify the situation, you may be paying more for your paving in the end. Here are three reasons why your original paving contractor should be given another chance.
1. He or She May Not Know You Have a Mess on Your Hands
Rather than seething with anger and calling up other contractors, why not call the original contractor first? They don't know you have a problem unless you tell them. Then you can see if your contractor is willing to fix the bad paving and make it right.The paving contractor might even offer the redo job for free. It all starts with a phone call to the paving contractor you had.
2. The Paving Contractor's Crew Might Have Screwed Up
It only takes one or two bad seeds to make a mess of a straightforward paving job. Since contractors keep excellent records of who worked what jobs, your contractor can look up the crew members that were working on your parking lot to see who may be at fault. The contractors themselves are not always on site to monitor what everyone does, and it may just be something a couple of the crew members did that messed up the job. Your contractor can assign a totally different crew to your re-paving job. If they come through the second time, and it all looks good, then you know it was not the contractor's fault personally.
3. There May Be a Work Satisfaction Guarantee in Your Contract
If your contractor includes a "work satisfaction guarantee" in their contract with you, then you may be entitled to a free repair and repaving job under your current circumstances. By going around your original contract to hire another contractor, you may be rendering that clause null and void, in which case your original contractor cannot help you if the second contractor does not deliver. Check your contract and call the original contractor to see what can be done about the asphalt that is damaged, buckling, etc., when it should not be that way after only a few months. Check with a contractor like Branche Industries to find out what is offered in their contract and for more information regarding parking lot paving.