
Learning About Paving Contractor Services

Maintaining Your Hotel's Asphalt Tennis Court

If you just purchased a hotel with an accompanying tennis court on the premises, you will most likely capitalize on its presence so those staying at your establishment will be able to enjoy using it. It is extremely important to do routine maintenance of the court so your guests will not become injured in any way while playing tennis. Here are some tips you can use to ensure your court remains in the best of condition so guests will be able to use the court whenever weather conditions allow them to.

Take The Time To Remove Debris Daily

At the end of the day, have a staff member do a walk-through of the tennis court area to see if there are any problems that need to be addressed. At this time, they can remove any debris left behind by guests. If debris remains on the asphalt surface of the court, there is a chance for deterioration to occur. Moisture will pool up underneath this debris, leading to cracking or crumbling of the asphalt. Your employee can use a broom to sweep away smaller particles if necessary. A garden hose should be used to wash away dirt. Avoid using a pressure washer as the impact of the water can cause any damaged portions to escalate in size.

Make Any Necessary Repairs Promptly

If the employee noticed damage to the asphalt during their daily inspection, it will be necessary to repair it right away. Ask the worker to push pieces of crushed stone into any crack they discovered. Asphalt cement will then need to be spread over the stones so they are safety contained underneath. This will give the court increased stability. The cement will dry and harden, leaving behind a protective layer. Make sure the employee smooths the cement with a putty knife so the surface is uniform. If there are any hardened protrusions, they can be eliminated with a piece of sandpaper.

Revitalize The Court With Paint

When the asphalt becomes worn, it may be necessary to call a contractor to add a new layer to the top of the court area. After this cures and hardens, the court surface can be painted in a pleasing hue. Guidelines will need to be repainted on the surface as well. A tennis court guideline template can be purchased for this purpose. An asphalt contractor will be able to handle the application of paint if desired.

About Me

Learning About Paving Contractor Services

Hi there, I’m Neil. Welcome to my site about paving contractor services. When I wanted to upgrade my home, I instantly thought of restoring the pathways and driveway. I thought the cracks and divots could be repaired by a qualified contractor. After meeting with a paving professional, I was set straight. The paths and driveway would need to be fully replaced to fix the damage. I created this site to help other people understand when it is necessary to replace pavement and when repairs are acceptable instead. Either way, fixing up pavement around your home can really up the curb appeal.

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